Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ikariam Links

GENERALS ikariam Pictures, Images and Photos
Ikariam has 4 major resources and 1 common resources...

The 4 resources is Marble, Grapes, Sulfur and Crystal...

wood Pictures, Images and PhotosThe common is Wood which all 4 resources has wood.. I mean is that every resources you have you got a Saw MILL which produce wood...

marble island owner Pictures, Images and PhotosThe most important Resources is Marble because most of all your resources is depending on the MARBLE (without MARBLE you cant UPGRADE)

Wine_Island_Owner Pictures, Images and PhotosSecond is Grapes which is needed because of its wine... GRAPES produced WINES but before that you got build the winery first... and learning the WINE PRESS... WINE boost your human production... Whats with WINE :) ENERGY BOOSTER? lolz...

crystal island owner Pictures, Images and PhotosThird is the CRYSTAL because it is need for upgrading science... SCIENCE or LABORATORY requires CRYSTAL to upgrade and beware the scientist requires alot of GOLD... You need CRYSTALL when you reach 3 ISLAND why? FOr expanding... Expanding 1 and 2 is easy but when you reach 3 it requires alot of CRYSTALS and MARBLE...
Sulphur_Island_Owner Pictures, Images and Photos
now the FOURTH resource... SULFUR the one with the power in making Strong SOLDIERS... nothing more and nothingless :) requires some upgrading in arms but not to much :)

THE WOOD will the basic need is wood... everything you need is wood :) easy as that...

GUIDE to expanding

you have to be in a MARBLE island...

Then focus your way to the second island which is GRAPES or CRYSTAL...

LAST is the SULFUR... why? you dont really need to much sulfur... you only need this on military attacks or making soldiers...

So.. focus on making your cities grow and expand before making alot of soldiers...

A LOT of SOLDIERS really need a lot of Pictures, Images and Photosgold Pictures, Images and Photosgold Pictures, Images and Photosgold Pictures, Images and Photosgold Pictures, Images and Photosgold Pictures, Images and Photosgold Pictures, Images and Photosgold Pictures, Images and Photosgold Pictures, Images and Photos GOLD can be earn through cities with many people and less workers... :) thats the key in making a lot of GOLD...

So if you want to play Ikariam, then play it in in Alpha.
EMPIRE IKARIAM FIRST ICON Pictures, Images and Photos